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Alice Pinto


William Fong

Alice Pinto BMus (Hons), MMus, LRAM is increasingly renowned for her work with young musicians, particularly string players, as a collaborative pianist and ensemble coach. Alice works with talented teenage musicians, including students at The Purcell School and junior conservatoire departments, regularly accompanying exams, auditions, concerts and competitions. In 2024 she has been a resident accompanist at MusicFest Aberystwyth and at LSG Bryanston.

Alice has given critically-acclaimed performances both in the UK and abroad. Highlights include live broadcasts on Icelandic national radio, concerto performances with the Cambridge Graduate Symphony Orchestra, Cheltenham Symphony Orchestra, and St. Paul’s Sinfonia, and appearances at Við Djúpið Festival, Two Moors Festival, Cambridge Summer Music Festival, Lake District Summer Music, St. John’s Smith Square, Kings Place, and with Orpheus Sinfonia Principals and the Orchestra of the Swan. In 2016 Alice was the on-stage pianist in The Kreutzer Sonata at Arcola Theatre, starring Greg Hicks; a production which garnered praise in the national press. Alice is a regular guest at the Malcolm Arnold Festival in Northampton, having presented lecture recitals most years since 2012.

Alice gained her MMus degree (performance and research) from the Royal Academy of Music, where she held a Richard Carne Scholarship and was short-listed for the Jacob Barnes Scholarship. As an undergraduate, Alice was a finalist in every internal competition she entered including the Beethoven, Chopin, Scarlatti and open recital prizes and was awarded the Anthony Lindsay Piano Prize and the Manager’s Discretion Prize in the Jaques Samuels Intercollegiate Piano Competition. She graduated with first-class honours and the Isabelle Bond Gold Medal keyboard nomination. Alice was previously the Else and Leonard Cross Memorial Scholar at the Royal College of Music Junior Department and the Nora Day Keyboard Scholar at St. Paul’s Girls’ School, where she was also the Alice Lupton Keyboard Prize winner. Alice held a Leverhulme Fellowship with Pro Corda.

Bryce Morrison

“Beautifully finished in terms of technique and musicianship… full of drama and energy… performance bursting with talent and ability”

William Fong

“An outstanding and highly enjoyable recital… great artistic intelligence and technical mastery… real presence and composure.”

The Gloucestershire Post

“… impressed from the outset with the clarity of her playing… clearly, Alice is a musician of considerable promise.”

Seen and Heard International

“Gifted presenter and pianist”

©2022 by Alice Pinto

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